Since its inception in 1996, Busan International Film Festival has established its role as a strong supporter of the film industry through its various programs such as the Asian Contents & Film Market, Asian Project Market, Asian Cinema Fund and Asian Film Academy.

Jung Wonhee
Director, Writer
South Korea
After directing the short film Ordinary Woman (2009), Jung Wonhee studied in France. She completed her bachelor′s degree in film studies at Paris 3 Nouvelle Sorbonne University, where she went on to earn her master′s degree in film aesthetics. She directed several short films in Paris, including François (2013), and Belle Ville (2016), which was supported by the CNC (French National Center for Film), and won Best Short Awards at International Izmir Artemis Film Festival 2018, Pentedattilo Film Festival 2017, Lebanon International Short Film Festival 2017, IndieCork Film Festival 2016, and Festival International Signes de Nuite 2017. Her first feature film, Doom Doom (2021), was invited to the Korean Film Today_Vision at Busan International Film Festival 2021 and to Moscow International Film Festival 2022.
Only a few months away from adulthood, Ji-eun is imprisoned for murder in a juvenile detention center. Su-jin, a friendly counselor, approaches Ji-eun, who has vowed never again to use violence. Ji-eun is wary of Su-jin at first, but her heart opens little by little. Ji-eun comes to rely on Su-jin and feels a special affection for her. Su-jin suggests that Ji-eun come to a youth center she runs, after being released from prison. Ji-eun enters Su-jin′s center, feeling that Su-jin′s presence is growing.
However, Ji-eun finds herself in the ironic situation of having to participate in a violent mission under the influence of Su-jin′s gaslighting, even though she has vowed never to do anything bad again.

Joelle Touma
Joëlle Touma started writing screenplays in 1998. At that time she was also a TV host and an actress in Lebanon. She then became the Beirut correspondent for the French daily Libération and the Belgian daily Le Soir, also working as a fixer in Lebanon with several media outlets. Since 2006, she has been dedicating herself only to writing screenplays. She has worked with Ziad Doueiri (Lila says 2004, The Attack 2011 and The Insult, nominated for an Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 2018) and Rachid Bouchareb (Just Like a Woman 2011). She also wrote for Le Bureau des Légendes, a French series produced par Canal+.