Aflamuna (formerly Beirut Cinema Platform) is a leading co-production platform for Arab films in development and post-production.
For two weeks, the teams of filmmakers (writers, directors, producers) get consultations, introductions, and masterclasses catered to their needs in all fields from scriptwriting to production, passing by legal, directing, sound, impact distribution, funding, and packaging. These mentorships will allow the participants to be better prepared for their 3 days of meetings with around 90 film professionals.




Kallia Pappadaki

Kallia Pappadaki

Kallia Papadaki was born in Didymoteicho in 1978 and grew up in Thessaloniki. She studied economics in Bard College and Brandeis University, USA and directing in the Hellenic Cinema and Television School Stavrakos. Her novel Δενδρίτες (Dendrites, Polis Editions) received a Centre national du livre (CNL) development grant and was awarded the Young Author Award from the Greek literary journal Clepsydra in 2016, and the European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) in 2017. It has so far been translated in 10 languages. Her short story collection Ο ήχος του ακάλυπτου (The Back lot sound, Polis Editions), was awarded the prize for best new author from the Diavazo literary magazine in 2010. In 2011, her short story Άγης και Μαίρη (Agis and Mary) represented Greece as part of Scritture Giovanni in the Berlin, Madova, and Hay literary festivals. She is a professional author, screenwriter and script consultant and works as commissioning editor in film and television. Her first feature script for Penny Panayotopoulou’s Greco-German coproduced film September won the International Balkan Fund Script Development Award in 2010, received a Nipkow scholarship in Berlin. The film premiered at the official competition of the 48th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Her second feature script Wishbone is a Greek-French-German-Cyrpiot coproduction currently in post-production. Her theatrical play Roots of Cotton was commissioned by the Athens Epidaurus festival and performed in the little theatre at the ancient city of Epidaurus in summer of 2022. Her short film L’ acqua che passa, financed by the Greek film Centre, premiered at the national competition of 46th Drama International Short Film Festival.

Argyris Xafis

Argyris Xafis

He is a graduate of the Higher School of Dramatic Art of the National Theatre. Since 1997, he has worked as an actor and director with the most important artistic organizations of the country, the AMORE Theatre, the National Theatre, the State Theatre of Northern Greece, the House of Arts and Letters, the Athens and Epidaurus Festival, the Theatre of New Cosmos, the Thiseion Theatre and others, as well as with the Theatre Mahagony and Theaterhaus Jena in Germany. He has performed in plays by Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Chekhov, Calderon de la Barca, Schnitzler, Goethe, Beechner, Bernhard, Demetriades and others. He has collaborated with the directors: Thomas Moschopoulos, Michael Marmarinos, Yannis Houvardas, Albrecht Hirche, Nikos Mastorakis, George Lanthimos, Cesaris Grausinis, Vangelis Theodoropoulos, Io Voulgarakis, Yannis Moschos, Maria Protopappa, Elli Papakonstantinou, etc. He has been awarded the “Dimitris Horn” Award, the Critics’ Association Award and the Film Academy’s First Prize for Male Role. He is a founding member of the PYR and EPTARHEIA groups. He teaches acting at the Drama School of the Athens Conservatory of Music.